mammals reptiles amphibians birds fish
1. ____________________________ These animals are warm-blooded. They lay eggs and take
care of their young.
2. ____________________________ These animals are warm-blooded. They have hair or fur on
their bodies. Their young do not hatch from eggs.
3. ____________________________ These animals are cold-blooded. They breathe with gills
when young, but they grow lungs when they become
4. ____________________________ These animals are cold-blooded. They breathe with gills
throughout their lives.
5. ____________________________ These animals are cold-blooded. They have dry, scaly skin.
and breathe air through lungs.
To which vertebrate group does each animal below belong?
6. elephant _______________________ 7. salamander _______________________8. penguin _______________________ 9. shark _______________________
10. lizard _______________________ 11. alligator _______________________
12. ostrich _______________________ 13. tree frog _______________________
14. whale _______________________ 15. human _______________________
Tell whether each sentence is true or false.
16. _______________________ All birds have feathers.
17. _______________________ All mammals have hair or fur.
18. _______________________ Reptiles are warm-blooded.
19. _______________________ All birds can fly.
20. _______________________ All birds have a beak or bill.
21. _______________________ All birds have 2 feet.
22. Is a bat a bird or a mammal? Explain.
23. Is a dolphin a fish, amphibian, or a mammal? Explain.
24. What is the difference between cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals?
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